Monthly Archives: June 2019

How Contextually Relevant Targeting Could Impact the 2020 Election


Let’s *handclap emoji* Talk *handclap emoji* Politics! *handclap emoji* …said no one ever. Alas, this article will not discuss political swing, but instead focus on the economics of campaign finance and the large opportunity of running said campaign on YouTube. There will be a massive election in just under 500 days (the 2020 Presidential Election) [...]

How Contextually Relevant Targeting Could Impact the 2020 Election2019-07-17T19:08:36-05:00

Beatlemania 2 Is Coming  


John, Paul, Ringo and George. You may know them as the Beatles, arguably the biggest band of all time. It’s hard to properly evoke the magnitude of how large they were – let’s have the numbers speak for themselves. 25 #1 albums in the US 21 #1 singles in the US 1.6 billion singles sold [...]

Beatlemania 2 Is Coming  2019-06-21T15:27:21-05:00

Traditional Viewing Meets Optimized Advertising As Connected TV Soars


Two million people have unsubscribed from cable in the last six months. The cord cutting trend is even higher among young people. Only about half of millennials have a cable subscription, while 88% use at least one alternative service. While this shift away from cable is not great news for the grandchildren of baby boomers [...]

Traditional Viewing Meets Optimized Advertising As Connected TV Soars2019-06-19T19:29:39-05:00

See You in Cannes?


Regardless of who you are, where you live, or what you do for a living, high likelihood is that you are aware of the Cannes Film Festival. From the 20-minute standing ovations, the boos, the back room deals and the anointing of the season’s awards contenders, everyone from a top ranking Hollywood producer to teenager [...]

See You in Cannes?2019-06-12T19:19:20-05:00

Reach Gen Z Where They Are This Summer


Memorial Day has come and gone, final exams are a hazy memory. As the final bell rings, the teens launch their supplies in the air as Alice Cooper’s Schools Out plays over a celebratory montage. OK, the last day of school was never actually as cool as the opening scene to Dazed and Confused. Instead [...]

Reach Gen Z Where They Are This Summer2019-06-05T15:39:54-05:00