It’s the first week of May. For most of the country that means warmer temperatures, bad N-Sync memes, racing horses, and of course tequila. Yes, Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner and the margaritas will be flowing. This weekend we honor the Mexican army’s underdog victory at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. And how do we celebrate? With tacos, guacamole and beer. Lots of beer.

While Cinco de Mayo has long been associated as a celebration of Mexican-American culture, in the United States it has also become a major advertising holiday. In fact, the beer sales for Cinco de Mayo in recent years have been on par with those of the Super Bowl. Furthermore, any brand that operates adjacent to Mexican culture should take full advantage of the holiday to maximize profits. Indeed while the sombreros and pinatas are lots of fun, for some the true spirit of Cinco de Mayo is greener than a ripe avocado.

Many people at this exact moment are scouring YouTube, looking for party ideas, guacamole recipes, and tutorials on how to grill the perfect Mexican corn.  How could an eager brand utilize a moment in monoculture for their growth? Or more simply put, how can you cherry pick some easy engagement to maximize the value of existing content?

Allow us to introduce you to Giant Media’s VuePlanner®!

VuePlanner® uses artificial intelligence combined with proprietary brand suitability scoring and URL level transparency to give brands their best possible return when advertising on YouTube. VuePlanner® puts your content in front of the most (and most relevant) eyeballs.

Traditional YouTube advertising has targeted demographics. Think about a women’s hair curler, this might target women 18-49. But what about all the times those women 18-49 place their children in front of the computer while they take a phone call? What about the women with naturally curly hair? That is a lot of waste for brands targeting a healthy ROI. What VuePlanner® enables is the targeting of content. We can help you own occasions like Cinco de Mayo on YouTube by surrounding relevant videos with your ad.

The person looking up a video on how to create a homemade piñata? Ya, they will probably be interested in your spicy salsa ad. This is contextual, relevant advertising. According to the IPG Media Lab, 63% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product when targeted based on context instead of audience or channel. Also there is a 40% increase in brand favorability when ads are targeted to contextually relevant videos. But possibly the most mind-boggling statistic is that consumers are 300% more likely to recommend a product to a friend if the sentiment of the ad matches that of the video it is attached to. Three times more likely to recommend to a friend? That’s grass roots marketing that most brands couldn’t dream of.

It seems so simple right? Targeting based on what a person likes opposed to who you think they are. Not every woman will automatically be interested in highlighting shampoo, but most people who actively search for ‘Cinco de mayo party ideas’ will be interested in margarita mix. With 66% of consumers stating that they have seen video ads for products they are not interested in, it’s clear that there is vast room for improvement. VuePlanner® has made that possible.

It might be too late for your brand to own Cinco de Mayo 2019, but hey, Memorial Day is right around the corner.

Contact Giant Media today and let us take you to the new frontier of targeted advertising.