Monthly Archives: June 2016

Giant Media Meets Outstream Demand by Opening Chicago Office


Giant Media is proud to announce the opening of its second Midwest sales office. Answering strong demand for its outstream video offering, Giant Media has physically expanded into Chicago, opening its fourth U.S. sales office in one of the largest ad markets in the country. “As outstream video advertising quickly becomes a fundamental strategy for agencies and [...]

Giant Media Meets Outstream Demand by Opening Chicago Office2019-04-12T15:25:33-05:00

Building an Outstream Video Campaign? Know These 3 Stats


It’s well known that the digital video ecosystem is undergoing explosive growth. The reason? Unlike the world of mass-market world of television, the digital ecosystem brings a new value proposition to the table: the ability to measure ROI with a high degree of precision. And with programmatic tech, advertisers can ensure they are reaching their [...]

Building an Outstream Video Campaign? Know These 3 Stats2019-04-12T15:25:56-05:00